Saturday, September 17, 2016



How does a bakery, only open for a year, get named as Bon Apetit's best bakery of the year? By having the freshest, flakiest, butter-iest, most delicious croissants you will ever consume.

As I may have mentioned previously, I spent my last semester in London. One of my closest friends was studying in Paris and before visiting,  I looked up lists on lists on lists of the best croissants in Paris, cross-checked, and proceeded to try MANY.  This is a bold statement, but Arsicault tops all of them. Valhrona chocolate almond croissants...i'm just gonna leave that there.

We waited in line for an hour in the brisk San Francisco fog. PSA - we arrived at 8:30, but I would recommend arriving at 7 or 7:30 before it opens. It was totally worth it and I have every intention of doing it all over again. Actually I plan to do exactly that when my roommates visit from Boston. Pro-tip: have one person go to Fifty/Fifty coffee shop and get some banging coffee/hazlenut hot chocolate/fruit tea while the others stay in line. And if you're feeling super adventurous, jump in an uber pool and head over to Dolores Park. I promise they'll still be warm when you get there, but I can't promise that you won't finish them on the way there.

So, I think you all know what you need to do. Run, don't walk. You'll thank me later.


(sorry for the lack of pics.. everything was deleted off my phone 😢)

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